Purification 101: Choosing A Water Purification System

Purification 101: Choosing A Water Purification System

Purification 101: Choosing A Water Purification System

12 September 2019
Technology, Blog

When it comes to the water you're using in your home, you should have every confidence that it is clean. The best possible way to do this is to install a whole-house filtration and purification system. However, in order for you to choose and install the right purification system, there are a few things that you will need to consider. Here are a couple of things you should think about along the way.

Where Is Your Water Coming From?

The source of your water will directly affect what type of purification system that you need. Water supplied from an underground well is going to need a more complex and thorough purification system than a water supply coming from a city water provider.

Remember, water coming from an underground well is going to absorb more minerals and contaminants from the ground than what you might find in water that's been treated and supplied from the local city water department. As a result, well water will need more purification than city water might.

Have You Tested Your Water?

Before you can choose an accurate purification system, you need to know exactly what you're dealing with in your water. That means having your water tested for dissolved solids. Things like minerals, metals, and other contaminants will dissolve in the water over time, and you can't adequately remove them without knowing how much you are dealing with.

Work with a water testing company to assess the dissolved solids that are present in your water. That way, you can narrow your purification options to systems that will target what's actually existing in your water.

What System Do You Want?

There are many different types of purification systems available for home use, and they are usually rated according to the volume of dissolved solids that they remove. Make sure you choose a system that's adequately rated according to your water tests.

Whether you choose a UV purification system or any other unit, having it professionally installed will ensure that your system is functional and providing you with the cleanest, healthiest water possible for your family.

Talk with a home water purification service near you today for more information. He or she will help you find the system that best suits your home's needs. They can also help you with arranging the necessary testing and assessments required to understand the health and safety of the existing water on your property.

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