5 Considerations For Migrating To A Cloud-Based Communication Provider For Your Customer Service Center

5 Considerations For Migrating To A Cloud-Based Communication Provider For Your Customer Service Center

5 Considerations For Migrating To A Cloud-Based Communication Provider For Your Customer Service Center

27 August 2019
Technology, Blog

If your business is thinking about changing to a cloud-based communication provider (CCAAS) for your customer service and contact center, you need to prepare for the migration process. You need to make sure that the new CCAAS system service is able to meet your needs.

Consideration #1: How Easy Are the Web-Based Portals to Use?

First, you need to look at how the web portals are set-up. You need to look at what it is like to use the web portal. You want the web portal to be easy to use. You want the web portal to be something that you can access and use. You need to be able to easily use the web-portal and access details. You want to make sure that the web portal is something that everyone in your office can use.

Consideration #2: Can You Track Call Data for Analysis?

Next, you need to look at how you can track call data. Can you keep track of when calls come in? Can you see how long the calls last? Can you keep track of who makes the calls? Being able to track the data for the calls that come into your business can provide you with in-depth analysis and can really allow you to take your business to the next level. You can use that data to figure out who is calling, where they are calling from, and what information people want to know.

Consideration #3: How Many Call Channels Can You Have?

Next, you need to figure out how many call channels that you have access to. How many call channels can you have? You want your business to be able to grow with you. You want to be able to add more channels and phone lines to your system. You want to be able to add more channels to your network over time as your business grows.

Consideration #4: How Does the Porting Process Work?

Next, you need to figure out how porting access works. How easy is to adds new lines to the set-up? How easy is it to configure new lines. You want to be able to integrate more voice service options into the set-up over time. You really want a system that will be able to grow with your business.  

Consideration #4: How Are the Calls Delivered?

Finally, you need to look at how the calls are delivered. How do the calls come in? Can you sort the calls to different agents based on when the calls come in, who is calling, and where they are calling from.

Make sure the CCAAS cloud product provider you want to work with will be able to provide you with a seamless experience. You want a system that will allow you to easy change and upgrade the system to meet your growing customer service-based needs.

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Beginners Guide To Web Design For A Small Business

When I started up my first business, I was told by numerous people that I needed a great webpage in order to gather new clients. These people were right, but I knew nothing then about web design. That was five years ago, and now my business is thriving, so I want to share through this blog some of the things I learned about websites. My blog posts cover everything from designing an eye-catching website to finding current content which attracts the interest of your website readers. The longer you get a person to stay on your website, the better your chance of getting their consumer dollar.
