Is Your Business Website Ready For Ipv4 And Ipv6?

Is Your Business Website Ready For Ipv4 And Ipv6?

Is Your Business Website Ready For Ipv4 And Ipv6?

7 January 2016
Technology, Blog

Internet experts have been considering greater allocation for internet addresses due to the quick depletion of current IPv4 addresses since the days of dial-up. Maintaining an up-to-date website means you being aware of these kinds of changes happening on the web. Today, because of the depletion of IPv4 addresses, the design and introduction of new IPv6 addresses has erupted. Many websites are already making the changes necessary for their websites to support IPv6 while still being able to accept IPv4 as well. However, making sure you are ready for IPv6 is essential for you to maintain client relationships in the future.

New Devices Will Connect To One Another With IPv6

Computers and mobile devices manufactured after 2011 are able to implement IPv6. You should know that older computers and devices used to access the Internet will be able to connect to websites and other devices still using only IPv4 address through a specially designed proxy system. However, your potential customers using newer devices will be unable to access your site if you only use an IPv4 address, so adding an IPv6 is a smart move. Contact your service provider for learning whether they have made accommodations for IPv6 addresses so you can make the switch. If your current provider is not ready for IPv6, you might consider the benefits of choosing one that is.

IPv6 Addresses Offer Faster, More Secure Service

As the world makes the switch to IPv6, everyone will benefit from its design because connections will be faster due to its design for packet efficiency during transmission of data. IPv6 will also have greater security because developers designed it with security as a top priority, a fact not true about the creation of IPv4. Some of the security features added to IPv4 as optional after its inception will be default features in IPv6. One example of greater security using IPv6 is data encrypted traffic. The data you send will be safer because of the greater security features because all packets of data will be protected instead of just portions of it.

For many business owners, learning more about the technology they depend on for profits can be challenging. By hiring an experienced website designer and developer, however, you can always have someone you can contact for finding out the information you need for running an up-to-date, successful site. Your service provider can also help to provide you valuable details about IPv6.

About Me
Beginners Guide To Web Design For A Small Business

When I started up my first business, I was told by numerous people that I needed a great webpage in order to gather new clients. These people were right, but I knew nothing then about web design. That was five years ago, and now my business is thriving, so I want to share through this blog some of the things I learned about websites. My blog posts cover everything from designing an eye-catching website to finding current content which attracts the interest of your website readers. The longer you get a person to stay on your website, the better your chance of getting their consumer dollar.
