The Unrivaled Efficiency Of Geothermal Heating

The Unrivaled Efficiency Of Geothermal Heating

The Unrivaled Efficiency Of Geothermal Heating

17 September 2014
Technology, Blog

As the cost of energy continues to rise year by year, many people are turning to various forms of renewable energy to mitigate these expenses. Thus far, the most popular choices have been solar and wind energy, and policymakers have been subsidizing corn ethanol fuel for many years. However, there is an excellent energy saving system that most people are completely unaware of. An increasing number of homeowners are turning to geothermal solutions for their heating and cooling needs.

By using a geothermal heat exchanger, homeowners can extract heat from the Earth's topsoil and pump it into their homes. The reverse can also be accomplished during the summer as well. The system works because of the insulating qualities of soil, which allows it to maintain a relatively constant temperature no matter how hot or cold it is outside. Geothermal heating works by burying coiled pipes into the ground and connecting them to a building, then filling the pipes with a water/antifreeze mix to absorb the heat. An electric pump is then used to either send the heated liquids into the home or away from the home, depending the weather.

While initially expensive, geothermal heating is far more efficient than the more popular sustainable energy practices, like solar and wind. That is because these systems generate electricity, which is then used to power the various devices in your home, including heating and air conditioning. Unfortunately, whenever one form of energy is converted into electricity, there is always a certain amount that is wasted in the process. It's always more energy efficient to simply apply heat exactly where it is needed, rather than gathering a source of heat, like solar energy, and turning into electricity before running it through your heating appliances.

So just how energy efficient is a geothermal heat exchanger? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, geothermal solutions may have anywhere from 300% to 600% percent efficiency. This means that, for every unit of energy that is used to power the pump, a geothermal exchanger may be able to move 3-6 units of heat into your home.

They're quite affordable as well, at least in the long term. The initial cost may be several times more expensive than installing a heating and AC system in your home. However a geothermal heat exchanger will more than pay for itself within a decade, and the parts will last several decades more if maintained properly. So if you're interested in saving money in a green and effective way, invest in a geothermal heating system today. A geothermal solutions provider, such as Greensleeves Energy Solutions, can show you your options and install the system for you.

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